Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

Rivalitas Manchester United vs Liverpool

     Rivalitas terbesar dalam sejarah sepakbola Inggris antara Manchester United vs Liverpool. Pertempuran keduanya selalu sengit dan penuh drama. Nada sinis, mengejek dan saling menghina pasti terjadi jika kedua raksasa ini bertemu. Manchester United dan Liverpool sejatinya dua klub tersukses di daratan Inggris. Keduanya selalu bersaing untuk menjadi yang terbaik. The Reds lebih dulu menguasai Inggris dan Eropa. Mereka meraih 18 gelar liga dan lima Piala/Liga Champions. Selain fakta di atas, masih ada fakta-fakta menarik lain yang melibatkan rivalitas keduanya. Berikut fakta-fakta menarik antara Manchester United vs Liverpool :

1. Hooligans
Hooligans tumbuh dan berkembang di Inggris pada era 1970-an. Fans kedua klub ini juga termasuk ke dalamnya. Beberapa insiden pun tercipta setiap kali kedua kubu bertemu. Hampir selalu ada ketegangan dan ancaman bentrok jika pertandingan berlangsung.

Fans kedua tim juga saling sindir soal tragedi masing-masing. Suporter Manchester United selalu mengolok musuhnya dengan tragedi Heysel 1985 dan Hillsborough 1989. Tragedi yang terakhir ini memakan korban 96 orang nyawa fans The Reds.

Liverpudian pun tak terima dan balas mengejek. Mereka membalas dengan nyanyian hinaan atas tragedi Muenchen 1958 yang menewaskan rombongan skuad Setan Merah.

2. Pemain yang "Berkhianat"
Haram hukumnya pemain pindah dari Liverpool ke Manchester United ataupun sebaliknya. Hal ini tak pernah terjadi dalam 49 tahun terakhir. Pemain terakhir yang memiliki "nyali" untuk berkhianat adalah Phil Chisnall. Ia pindah dari Old Trafford ke Anfield. Total, cuma ada sembilan pemain yang berani menyebrangi kedua klub. Namun, ada juga sejumlah pemain yang pernah membela kedua klub, tapi tidak melalui proses transfer di antara keduanya. Mereka adalah Paul Ince, Peter Beardsley dan Michael Owen.Pada 2007 sempat ada kasus yang melibatkan pemain asal Argentina, Gabriel Heinze. The Reds ketika itu memberikan penawaran kepada Manchester United untuk membeli Heinze. Namun, Setan Merah menolaknya mentah-mentah. Padahal, Heinze terang-terangan menyatakan ingin pindah ke Anfield. Fergie pun akhirnya naik pitam dan lebih memilih melepas Heinze ke Real Madrid.

Berikut 9 pemain yang "berani" menyebrang
Dari Liverpool ke Manchester United :

Tom Chorlton (1912)
Tom Miller (1920)
Tommy Reid (1929)
Ted Savage (1938)
Allenby Chilton (1938)

Dari Manchester United ke Liverpool :
Jackie Sheldon (1913)
Fred Hopkin (1921)
Thomas McNulty (1954)
Phil Chisnall (1964)

Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013

English Premier League Schedule 2013-2014

AUGUST 17 :  
Arsenal vs Aston Villa 
Chelsea vs Hull City
Crystal Palace vs Tottenham Hotspur
Liverpool vs Stoke City
Manchester City vs Newcastle United
Norwich City vs Everton
Sunderland vs Fulham
Swansea City vs Manchester United
West Bromwich Albion vs Southampton
West Ham United vs Cardiff City

Aston Villa vs Liverpool
Cardiff City vs Manchester City
Everton vs West Bromwich Albion
Fulham vs Arsenal
Hull City vs Norwich City
Manchester United vs Chelsea
Newcastle United vs West Ham United
Southampton vs Sunderland
Stoke City vs Crystal Palace
Tottenham Hotspur vs Swansea City

Arsenal vsTottenham Hotspur
Cardiff City vs Everton
Chelsea vs Aston Villa
Crystal Palace vs Sunderland
Liverpool vs Manchester United
Manchester City vs Hull City
Newcastle United vs Fulham
Norwich City vs Southampton
West Bromwich Albion vs Swansea City
West Ham United vs Stoke City
Aston Villa vs Newcastle United
Everton vs Chelsea
Fulham vs West Bromwich Albion
Hull City vs Cardiff City
Manchester United vs Crystal Palace
Southampton vs West Ham United
Stoke City vs Manchester City
Sunderland vs Arsenal
Swansea City vs Liverpool
Tottenham Hotspur vs Norwich City
Arsenal vs Stoke City
Cardiff City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Chelsea vs Fulham
Crystal Palace vs Swansea City
Liverpool vs Southampton
Manchester City vs Manchester United
Newcastle United vs Hull City
Norwich City vs Aston Villa
West Bromwich Albion vs Sunderland
West Ham United vs Everton
Aston Villa vs Manchester City
Everton vs Newcastle United
Fulham vs Cardiff City
Hull City vs West Ham United
Manchester United vs West Bromwich Albion
Southampton vs Crystal Palace
Stoke City vs Norwich City
Sunderland vs Liverpool
Swansea City vs Arsenal
Tottenham Hotspur vs Chelsea
Cardiff City vs Newcastle United
Fulham vs Stoke City
Hull City vs Aston Villa
Liverpool vs Crystal Palace
Manchester City vs Everton
Norwich City vs Chelsea
Southampton vs Swansea City
Sunderland vs Manchester United
Tottenham Hotspur vs West Ham United
West Bromwich Albion vs Arsenal

Arsenal vs Norwich City
Aston Villa vs Tottenham Hotspur
Chelsea vs Cardiff City
Crystal Palace vs Fulham
Everton vs Hull City
Manchester United vs Southampton
Newcastle United vs Liverpool
Stoke City vs West Bromwich Albion
Swansea City vs Sunderland
West Ham United vs Manchester City
Aston Villa vs Everton
Chelsea vs Manchester City
Crystal Palace vs Arsenal
Liverpool vs West Bromwich Albion
Manchester United vs Stoke City
Norwich City vs Cardiff City
Southampton vs Fulham
Sunderland vs Newcastle United
Swansea City vs West Ham United
Tottenham Hotspur vs Hull City

Arsenal vs Liverpool
Cardiff City vs Swansea City
Everton vs Tottenham Hotspur
Fulham vs Manchester United
Hull City vs Sunderland
Manchester City vs Norwich City
Newcastle United vs Chelsea
Stoke City vs Southampton
West Bromwich Albion vs Crystal Palace
West Ham United vs Aston Villa
Aston Villa vs Cardiff City
Chelsea vs West Bromwich Albion
Crystal Palace vs Everton
Liverpool vs Fulham
Manchester United vs Arsenal
Norwich City vs West Ham United
Southampton vs Hull City
Sunderland vs Manchester City
Swansea City vs Stoke City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Newcastle United                                                                       

Arsenal vs Southampton
Cardiff City vs Manchester United
Everton vs Liverpool
Fulham vs Swansea City
Hull City vs Crystal Palace
Manchester City vs Tottenham Hotspur
Newcastle United vs Norwich City
Stoke City vs Sunderland
West Bromwich Albion vs Aston Villa
West Ham United vs Chelsea
Aston Villa vs Sunderland
Cardiff City vs Arsenal
Chelsea vs Southampton
Everton vs Stoke City
Hull City vs Liverpool
Manchester City vs Swansea City
Newcastle United vs West Bromwich Albion
Norwich City vs Crystal Palace
Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester United
West Ham United vs Fulham
Arsenal vs Hull City
Crystal Palace vs West Ham United
Liverpool vs Norwich City
Manchester United vs Everton
Southampton vs Aston Villa
Stoke City vs Cardiff City
Sunderland vs Chelsea
Swansea City vs Newcastle United
West Bromwich Albion vs Manchester City
Fulham vs Tottenham Hotspur
Arsenal vs Everton
Crystal Palace vs Cardiff City
Fulham vs Aston Villa
Liverpool vs West Ham United
Manchester United vs Newcastle United
Southampton vs Manchester City
Stoke City vs Chelsea
Sunderland vs Tottenham Hotspur
Swansea City vs Hull City
West Bromwich Albion vs Norwich City
Aston Villa vs Manchester United
Cardiff City vs West Bromwich Albion
Chelsea vs Crystal Palace
Everton vs Fulham
Hull City vs Stoke City
Manchester City vs Arsenal
Newcastle United vs Southampton
Norwich City vs Swansea City
Tottenham Hotspur vs Liverpool
West Ham United vs Sunderland
Arsenal vs Chelsea
Crystal Palace vs Newcastle United
Fulham vs Manchester City
Liverpool vs Cardiff City
Manchester United vs West Ham United
Southampton vs Tottenham Hotspur
Stoke City vs Aston Villa
Sunderland vs Norwich City
Swansea City vs Everton
West Bromwich Albion vs Hull City
Aston Villa vs Crystal Palace
Cardiff City vs Southampton
Chelsea vs Swansea City
Everton vs Sunderland
Hull City vs Manchester United
Manchester City vs Liverpool
Newcastle United vs Stoke City
Norwich City vs Fulham
Tottenham Hotspur vs West Bromwich Albion
West Ham United vs Arsenal
Aston Villa vs Swansea City
Cardiff City vs Sunderland
Chelsea vs Liverpool
Everton vs Southampton
Hull City vs Fulham
Manchester City vs Crystal Palace
Newcastle United vs Arsenal
Norwich City vs Manchester United
Tottenham Hotspur vs Stoke City

West Ham United vs West Bromwich Albion

Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013

Result tour Manchester united 2013

Result match tour Manchester United 2013
  • 26 July 2013, Cereco Osaka vs Manchester United, 2-2
  • 29 July 2013, Kitchee SC vs Manchester United, 2-5
1. Cereco Osaka vs Manchester United
Manchester United nearly lost again on tour in Asia after the outcome of the match against Cerezo Osaka, ended with the score 2-2. Red Devils Manchester United were saved by a goal at the end of time by Wilfried Zaha. In the 34th minute striker Cerezo Kenyu Sugimoto created the opening goal, score 1-0 to Cerezo. Kagawa missed a 53-minute penalty kick for Manchester United, Ashley Young was dropped after Cerezo defender Tatsuya Yamashita. 55 minutes Kagawa, Cerezo origin MU players aged 24 years, paid his dues with Cerezo goalkeeper Ryan Giggs after the use of bait. Score 1-1. Cerezo staggering 63 minutes of Manchester United, the English Premier League champions, through the 18-year-old striker Takumi Minamino on 63 minutes. Score changed to 2-1 Cerezo excellence. Zaha 90 minutes to silence the host with an equalizer for a 2-2 until the end of the game.
2. Kitchee SC vs Manchester United
Playing at the Hong Kong Stadium, Manchester united produce a good performance of the style, spirit, and led three first-half goals from Danny Welbeck, Chris Smalling and Fabio da Silva. Adnan Januzaj then scored a goal with a header after receiving a pass from Alexander Buttner after a few minutes later by a goal scored Kitchee SC Lam Ka Wai from outside the penalty box and goal by Alex Alkande . Jesse Lingard was replying to the goal in the 80th minute, and scores becomes 2-5 until the whistle ending victory for Manchester united.

Next match tour Manchester united :
  • 7 August 2013, Alk Solna vs Manchester United, 02:45 WIB
  • 9 August 2013, Manchester United vs Sevila, 11:00 WIB